EzCord provides a helper class to simplify aiosqlite database calls. Create a subclass of DBHandler to get started.

import discord

import ezcord

class UserDB(ezcord.DBHandler):
    def __init__(self):

    async def setup(self):
        """Execute a single query."""
        await self.exec(
            """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users(
            user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
            coins INTEGER DEFAULT 0

    async def add_coins(self, user_id, amount):
        """Execute multiple queries in one connection."""
        async with self.start() as cursor:
            await cursor.exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO users (user_id) VALUES (?)", (user_id,))
            await cursor.exec(
                "UPDATE users SET coins = coins + ? WHERE user_id = ?", (amount, user_id)

    async def get_users(self):
        """Return all result rows."""
        return await self.all("SELECT * FROM users")

    async def get_one_user(self, user_id):
        """Return one result row."""
        return await"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", (user_id,))

db = UserDB()

class Bot(ezcord.Bot):
    def __init__(self):

    async def on_ready(self):
        await db.add_coins(12345, 100)
        result = await db.get_one_user(12345)
        print(result)  # (12345, 100)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    bot = Bot()