Help Command

You can enable the help command with add_help_command(). Customize the help command by using EzCord’s Cog class for all cogs.

import ezcord

bot = ezcord.Bot()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    bot.load_cogs("cogs")"TOKEN")  # Replace with your bot token

# You can pass values for the help command in cogs like this:
class Example(ezcord.Cog, name="Example", description="This is a description", emoji="🐍"): ...

# You can disable the help command for a cog like this:
class Hidden(ezcord.Cog, hidden=True): ...

# You can also group all commands in a cog with another existing cog:
# This will use the name and emoji of the grouped cog
class Grouped(ezcord.Cog, group="Example"): ...