
EzCord uses the Python logging module to log messages. You can set custom colors for each log level or send logs to a Discord webhook.

More information can be found in the Log Documentation.

import logging

from colorama import Fore

import ezcord
from ezcord import log

# overwrite colors for specific log levels
# this can be done with strings or with colorama
colors = {
    logging.DEBUG: "blue",
    logging.INFO: Fore.MAGENTA,

# call this function before creating the bot
    webhook_url="WEBHOOK_URL",  # Replace with your webhook URL

log.debug("This is a debug message")
log.info("This is an info message")

ezcord.custom_log("CUSTOM", "This is a message with a custom log level")

bot = ezcord.Bot()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load all cogs with a custom log style
    bot.load_cogs("cogs", log=ezcord.CogLog.default, log_color="green")
    bot.run("TOKEN")  # Replace with your bot token